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2011年9月17日 星期六



Chlorobium tepidum

They are photolithotrophic oxidizers of sulfur and most notably utilise a noncyclic electron transport chain to reduce NAD+. Hydrogen sulfide is used as an electron source and carbon dioxide its carbon source.
Chlorobium species are thought to have played an important part in mass extinction events on Earth. If the oceans turn anoxic (due to the shutdown of ocean circulation) then Chlorobium would be able to out compete other photosynthetic life. They would produce huge quantities of methane and hydrogen sulfide which would cause global warming and acid rain. This would have huge consequences for other oceanic organisms and also for terrestrial organisms.

Pelodictyon phaeoclathhratiforme

Pelodictyon clathratiforme

The rod-shaped cells are often trapezoid in shape and form characteristic net-like colonies by ternary fission. Like all the other green sulfur bacteria, this species is strictly anaerobic and obligately phototrophic.Sulfide, sulfur and thiosulfate are used as electron donors during anaerobic phototrophic growth.

